男生一號不滿女友的一些行為,接著讓朋友看看另一個女性的相片。說什麼早知自己女友性格如此,就追求另一個,他朋友在一旁和應著。接著他們在討論星座! 我很喜歡聽男生講這些東西,因為我喜歡他們如我們一樣,八八掛掛。
是因為這是「不應該」的事情吧?從偷聽取得額外的東西,就是賺到! 正宗香港人特性。
不不,我說錯了,夏娃當年偷食禁果,不就是就証明這是人性。 「偷」或多或少,代表人的反叛,要向權力挑戰,人如果只有順從,我們便只會聽指令,不會跟隨自己的心做事。那我們是一個機械人。
2012年11月30日 星期五
2012年11月29日 星期四
YouTube Presents Mayday Concert
今天偷偷的在公司裡參與了五月天在Google總部的演唱會. 把耳機載上一邊耳朵, 把頭髮掩蓋著, 一邊聽, 久不久偷偷看. 就是想參與.
An influential rock band from Taiwan.
With footprints covering Asia, the US, Europe, Australia and other regions, Mayday occupies an unshakable star position in the heart of Asian music fans.
In the 13 years since their first public appearance, Mayday has released eight studio albums. Mayday's music truthfully voices the heartfelt wishes of young Chinese about their life, relationship and work, and reflections. The pursuit of dreams expressed through their songs have touched the hearts of countless souls!
MAYDAY has won countless awards for music achievements. They received more than 150 domestic and oversea music awards, including the MTV Video Music Awards Japan and Best Buzz Asia Greater China Artist Award, and records they created are unsuppressed in the history of popular music in Taiwan -- four-time winner of the Best Band Award, Golden Melody Awards (highest honor in the music field in Taiwan). This year, they were chosen to receive the Best Mandarin Album, Best Musical Arranger, Best Composer, Best Producer, and Award for Song of the Year and are the champion band for 2012.
MAYDAY never fails to create miracles in their concerts and has never ceased to challenge themselves. In over 200 concerts in their world tour, more than 10 millions of fans attended their concerts. For the two consecutive concerts held in Beijing Bird's Nest in 2012, the 200,000 tickets were sold out in one day. Media in Asia praised MAYDAY as the "King of Concert." UK media even dubbed MAYDAY the "Chinese Beatles."
For over one year, the courageous MAYDAY has been the vanguard in the industry and spent over NTD220 millions on their MAYDAY: 3DNA, the first 3D concert movie in the Chinese world.
Currently, MAYDAY is going on their 2012 -- 2013 world tour "NOWHERE."
The pursuit of dreams expressed through their songs have touched the hearts of countless souls!
MAYDAY never fails to create miracles in their concerts and has never ceased to challenge themselves.
又叫他們做中國Beatles, 是偶像來的, 他們應該高興還是。。。
阿信在演出中越唱越順, 他們是第一隊華人樂隊如此表演, 真的很感動, 他們就是有一種魔力.
我試過看他們的表演時, 身體一邊在動, 靈魂好動跳了出來, 看著四邊的人如此投入, 叫得那麼盡情, 我真的覺得大家好像著了魔. 當然, 我也是其中一員.
比起跟隨他們十幾年的人, 我認識他們只有好幾年, 不是資深的歌迷。當年不知怎的願意付上7百多塊去看他們在港的演唱會. 就在演唱會之前, 我很努力去補習他們的歌, 當時有點後悔自己認識得他們太遲. 為什麼不早點聽呢! 有夠笨.
他們有沒有想過自己會紅? 會有一天身在這個位置 ?有不知道幾多十萬的男男女女對著他們尖叫? 好幾次了, 都見過歌迷帶著孩子去聽他們的演唱會, 可是他們的表演都是很長, 每次都超時, 那些小朋友永遠都睡著..很攪笑的. 如果看到父母為偶像瘋狂, 會不會對父母多一點尊敬? 因為投入忘我的人, 是比較有型和有光彩的.
如果有一天, 他們都不唱了. 他們會如何避開世人目光? 若我在街上遇到了引退的任何一員, 我會怎樣.
笑一笑? 對他唱歌? 跟蹤他?
可能我只會在發呆, 什麼也不會做, 回過頭來, 他已經離開.
An influential rock band from Taiwan.
With footprints covering Asia, the US, Europe, Australia and other regions, Mayday occupies an unshakable star position in the heart of Asian music fans.
In the 13 years since their first public appearance, Mayday has released eight studio albums. Mayday's music truthfully voices the heartfelt wishes of young Chinese about their life, relationship and work, and reflections. The pursuit of dreams expressed through their songs have touched the hearts of countless souls!
MAYDAY has won countless awards for music achievements. They received more than 150 domestic and oversea music awards, including the MTV Video Music Awards Japan and Best Buzz Asia Greater China Artist Award, and records they created are unsuppressed in the history of popular music in Taiwan -- four-time winner of the Best Band Award, Golden Melody Awards (highest honor in the music field in Taiwan). This year, they were chosen to receive the Best Mandarin Album, Best Musical Arranger, Best Composer, Best Producer, and Award for Song of the Year and are the champion band for 2012.
MAYDAY never fails to create miracles in their concerts and has never ceased to challenge themselves. In over 200 concerts in their world tour, more than 10 millions of fans attended their concerts. For the two consecutive concerts held in Beijing Bird's Nest in 2012, the 200,000 tickets were sold out in one day. Media in Asia praised MAYDAY as the "King of Concert." UK media even dubbed MAYDAY the "Chinese Beatles."
For over one year, the courageous MAYDAY has been the vanguard in the industry and spent over NTD220 millions on their MAYDAY: 3DNA, the first 3D concert movie in the Chinese world.
Currently, MAYDAY is going on their 2012 -- 2013 world tour "NOWHERE."
The pursuit of dreams expressed through their songs have touched the hearts of countless souls!
MAYDAY never fails to create miracles in their concerts and has never ceased to challenge themselves.
又叫他們做中國Beatles, 是偶像來的, 他們應該高興還是。。。
阿信在演出中越唱越順, 他們是第一隊華人樂隊如此表演, 真的很感動, 他們就是有一種魔力.
我試過看他們的表演時, 身體一邊在動, 靈魂好動跳了出來, 看著四邊的人如此投入, 叫得那麼盡情, 我真的覺得大家好像著了魔. 當然, 我也是其中一員.
比起跟隨他們十幾年的人, 我認識他們只有好幾年, 不是資深的歌迷。當年不知怎的願意付上7百多塊去看他們在港的演唱會. 就在演唱會之前, 我很努力去補習他們的歌, 當時有點後悔自己認識得他們太遲. 為什麼不早點聽呢! 有夠笨.
他們有沒有想過自己會紅? 會有一天身在這個位置 ?有不知道幾多十萬的男男女女對著他們尖叫? 好幾次了, 都見過歌迷帶著孩子去聽他們的演唱會, 可是他們的表演都是很長, 每次都超時, 那些小朋友永遠都睡著..很攪笑的. 如果看到父母為偶像瘋狂, 會不會對父母多一點尊敬? 因為投入忘我的人, 是比較有型和有光彩的.
如果有一天, 他們都不唱了. 他們會如何避開世人目光? 若我在街上遇到了引退的任何一員, 我會怎樣.
笑一笑? 對他唱歌? 跟蹤他?
可能我只會在發呆, 什麼也不會做, 回過頭來, 他已經離開.
2012年11月28日 星期三
Maria Santos Gorrostieta
當我早上第一次看到以下的標題, 只看到女英雄, 心想有誰可以受得起這個稱號,於是我沒有細看內容.
但, 晚上的時候, 我還是想看看女英雄是怎得來.
這一次, 我看得忍不住流下眼淚.
原來, 她真的以身作則, 勇敢對抗毒販. 在受害的一刻, 她亦以女兒為先.
我腦內有那麼一個景象閃過, 是女兒的恐懼心情,看著母親被人捉走. 這個影像, 是不是一世也不會離去?
不過, 在感受刑恐懼的同時, 我亦感受到勇氣, 是那份維護公義的心義, 她本是一名醫生, 想必定能為家人提供不俗的生活. 但她偏偏選擇在那個毒販橫行的地方做公職, 任職市長期間兩次受攻擊, 不但失去三個孩子的爸爸,更令自己中三槍, 帶便袋. 但她沒有退縮.
這條路會不會太難行? 世上願意這樣做的人有幾多?
她的行為感動我, 她所說的話更有激勵人的作用.
'But today, no. It is not possible for me to surrender when I have three children , whom I have to educate by setting an example, and also because of the memory of the man of my life, the father of my three little ones, the one who was able to teach me the value of things and to fight for them.
'I wanted to show them my wounded, mutilated, humiliated body, because I’m not ashamed of it, because it is the product of the great misfortunes that have scarred my life, that of my children and my family.'
我看到網上有人提到她留下了三個小孩, 但我對那幾個小朋友很有信心. 因為他們的媽媽爸爸, 真的以身教, 告訴他們在困難時候要怎樣生活. 小孩可能一時三刻不明白, 但父母留下來的這個遺產, 是不會失去的.
對應今天的香港, 頭條提到那個消失的密室, 又或者高官如何處理兒女的國民教育事宜. 為什這個亞洲國際大都會,且高度安全的城市, 要找一個令我打從心底感到驕傲的傑出領導人物是如此困難?
勇敢對抗毒販 兩遇伏擊不死
但, 晚上的時候, 我還是想看看女英雄是怎得來.
這一次, 我看得忍不住流下眼淚.
原來, 她真的以身作則, 勇敢對抗毒販. 在受害的一刻, 她亦以女兒為先.
我腦內有那麼一個景象閃過, 是女兒的恐懼心情,看著母親被人捉走. 這個影像, 是不是一世也不會離去?
不過, 在感受刑恐懼的同時, 我亦感受到勇氣, 是那份維護公義的心義, 她本是一名醫生, 想必定能為家人提供不俗的生活. 但她偏偏選擇在那個毒販橫行的地方做公職, 任職市長期間兩次受攻擊, 不但失去三個孩子的爸爸,更令自己中三槍, 帶便袋. 但她沒有退縮.
這條路會不會太難行? 世上願意這樣做的人有幾多?
她的行為感動我, 她所說的話更有激勵人的作用.
'But today, no. It is not possible for me to surrender when I have three children , whom I have to educate by setting an example, and also because of the memory of the man of my life, the father of my three little ones, the one who was able to teach me the value of things and to fight for them.
'I wanted to show them my wounded, mutilated, humiliated body, because I’m not ashamed of it, because it is the product of the great misfortunes that have scarred my life, that of my children and my family.'
'Despite my own safety and that of my family, what occupies my mind is my responsibility towards my people, the children, the women, the elderly and the men who break their souls every day without rest to find a piece of bread for their children.'
'Freedom brings with it responsibilities and I don’t dare fall behind. My long road is not yet finished - the footprint that we leave behind in our country depends on the battle that we lose and the loyalty we put into it.'
我看到網上有人提到她留下了三個小孩, 但我對那幾個小朋友很有信心. 因為他們的媽媽爸爸, 真的以身教, 告訴他們在困難時候要怎樣生活. 小孩可能一時三刻不明白, 但父母留下來的這個遺產, 是不會失去的.
對應今天的香港, 頭條提到那個消失的密室, 又或者高官如何處理兒女的國民教育事宜. 為什這個亞洲國際大都會,且高度安全的城市, 要找一個令我打從心底感到驕傲的傑出領導人物是如此困難?
2012年11月27日 星期二
我說: 沒有
當然,另一個我就在想,如果每一個人我都好好聯繫,我會成為一個怎樣的人?每天忙著應酬交際? 會不會萬事通?
那網絡要怎樣用?朋友又是怎麼一回事? 什麼時候才需要找朋友? 我與你吃飯飲酒聊天盡興,是不是每句說話都有意義? 沒有意義的說話其實是否有其作用?
我說: 沒有
當然,另一個我就在想,如果每一個人我都好好聯繫,我會成為一個怎樣的人?每天忙著應酬交際? 會不會萬事通?
那網絡要怎樣用?朋友又是怎麼一回事? 什麼時候才需要找朋友? 我與你吃飯飲酒聊天盡興,是不是每句說話都有意義? 沒有意義的說話其實是否有其作用?
2012年11月26日 星期一
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